BII Symptoms Individual Coaching

BII Symptoms Individual Coaching

At Killer Boobs, we understand that the journey towards healing from breast implant illness can be a lonely and challenging one. That's why we offer individual coaching sessions to help women understand their symptoms, navigate the explant process and provide emotional support. Our knowledgeable and experienced coach, a breast implant survivor, will work with you one-on-one to provide personalized guidance and resources. She will be your companion throughout the healing process, providing encouragement, understanding and hope. Our goal is to start a mission to inform and support the choice to implant with full knowledge of the risks, or to explant with the understanding of the benefits. Contact us today to schedule your individual coaching session and take the first step towards healing.

"The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With One Step." - Lao Tzu

Take the first step towards healing with Killer Boobs. Contact us for support, resources, and guidance on your journey from implant to explant. Remember, every journey starts with a first step.